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 1. Business Intelligence Network  Information Governance  Audio Article 
 2. Julia Allen  Getting Real about Security Governance - Part 2: A Guide to Effective Governance  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 3. dziant  For example, download contact information, containing phone number and/or address from all airline companies in the city of your choice and make sure, you always have the information when you need it.  www.dziant.com 
 4. Dan Hotchkiss  Governance  The Alban Podcast 
 5. Mark Wilson; James Deane; Gera  Development Governance and the  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 6. America.gov Multimedia - Arabic  ia arb 081409 saf governance  Clinton visits Africa - Good governance in Nigeria 
 7. EDUCAUSE  Improving IT Governance  2007 Annual Conference 
 8. America.gov Multimedia - English  ia eng 081409 saf governance  Clinton visits Africa - Good governance in Nigeria 
 9. USINFO Interactive  ia esp 12 21 2007 civ5 governance  Civic Education 5 - Good Governance 
 10. Gina Pugliese  Governance Conference 01242008  Premier 
 11. Professor Jonathan R. Macey '82 - Sam Harris Professor of Corporate Law, Corporate Finance and Securites Law  Where is the Theory in Corporate Governance?   
 12. Julia Allen  Getting Real about Security Governance  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 13. The Case for Investing in Business Analytics Technology  Part 2: Data Governance  SAS Podcast 
 14. Presenter: Chris Hildenbrand, Director of the Policy, Assessment and Compliance, Microsoft Corporation  Microsoft Webcast: Better IT Management Through IT Governance   
 15. Presenters: Sandy Sharma, VP of Technology and Strategy, INS, and Dan Hastings, Senior Principal, INS  Microsoft Webcast: Better IT Management Through IT Governance   
 16. Hannah Morley / Steven Buckley  Accountable Governance - Risky Business  Christian Aid Lunchtime Talks 
 17. Milton Mueller  Milton Mueller - Global Governance  IGF 
 18. Bized In The News  Biz/ed In The News - 11 June 2007 - Aid and Governance   
 19. Interarbour Solutions  SOA Governance: 'An Ongoing Committee Exercise'  Enterprise IT Roundtable Hosted by Dana Gardner 
 20. IBM Rational software  SOA Governance with RAM and WSRR with Steve Weaver  IBM Rational podcast series 
 21. Hannah Morley / Steven Buckley  Accountable Governance - Risky Business  Christian Aid Lunchtime Talks 
 22. Interarbour Solutions  SOA Governance: 'An Ongoing Committee Exercise'  Enterprise IT Roundtable Hosted by Dana Gardner 
 23. Colin Currie  Building Collaborative Administrative Systems Governance  EDUCAUSE Conferences 
 24. Madeleine Albright, Ashraf Ghani, Amb. John Bruton, Harriet Babbitt, Ian Forbes, Joan Dempsey  Networked Governance: Multilateral Institutions of the Future  2007 Aspen Ideas Festival: Global Dynamics 
 25. robert stroud  Microsoft Webcast: Unlocking the Mysteries of IT Governance   
 26. Colin Currie  Building Collaborative Administrative Systems Governance  EDUCAUSE Conferences 
 27. Julia Allen  Getting Real about Security Governance - Part 1: An Evolution Toward Practicality  CERT’s Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 28. Jon Udell, Frank Martinez  Jon Udell and Frank Martinez discuss governance and tolerance  A conversation with Frank Martinez about governance and tolerance 
 29. Brenda Cossman; Frances Sissy Tarlton Farenthold; Arvonne S. Fraser; Irene Tinker  Conference on Gender, Globalization, and Governance - Keynote Discussion  LBJ School of Public Affairs 
 30. Susan Blocher, Director of Marketing, Governance and Risk Management, IBM  Innovations podcast: Governance, Service Management and Managing Risk   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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